NonClinical Careers for Physicians™ Podcast
NonClinical Careers for Physicians is the expertise of third_Evolution. We'll discuss the special issues of physician career transition, offer important do's and don'ts, critical tips for success and answer that most important question: What's Out There for physicians.
NonClinical Careers for Physicians™ Podcast
You're going to have to leave your comfort zone if you want a nonclinical career
June 26, 2020
Robert F. Priddy
Season 1
Episode 29
Moving into the arena of nonclinical careers is vastly different from how you secure medical postings. No recruiters, no online postings... Just you and your ability to travers the complex web of events, people and opportunity presenting your value proposition along the way. This is not in your comfort zone, but it can be. I'll tell you how and why you want and need to expand your comfort zone to achieve your goals.